Thursday, March 25, 2010

Throw Momma from the Train (1987)

Cast: Billy Crystal (Larry), Danny DeVito (Owen), Anne Ramsey (Momma), Kate Mulgrew (Margaret), Kim Greist (Beth)

Director: Danny DeVito

Genre: Comedy/ Crime

This movie was quite the comedy in its day. It had Billy Cyrstal and Danny DeVito when they were both at the high point of their acting careers. It was also the last of the better movies for the late, great Anne Ramsey who died on my birthday (August 11) in 1988. Ramsey is most famous for both this role and her role as Mama Fratelli in The Goonies. She made a good mama, apparently.

In this picture, Larry (Billy Crystal) is a creative writing teacher who happens to be suffering from severe writer’s block. He is also peeved to the brim as his ex-wife has stolen a story idea of his and turned it into a best seller. While trying to foster another relationship, he is much too stressed with writer’s block and infuriated with his ex-wife.

Meanwhile, Larry’s student Hank (Danny DeVito) is still living with his momma. Momma is more than loving, she is downright domineering and extremely critical of her son. Hank is constantly getting ideas of how to do his mother in. He just can't get himself to do it, though.

As Hank closely observes the problems of his creative writing teacher, he decides that the two should make a pact. If he kills Larry’s ex-wife, then Larry should kill his momma. It is the perfect story line for any mystery novel. Hank is all for it and presents his idea to Larry who misunderstands. Nevertheless, Larry does the deed for Hank and now Hank is in fear of the police thinking he did it.

This was an enjoyable film. It was neat watching Crystal and DeVito play off of each other in a film where they were both still very popular. You don’t really see them much in movies anymore. Still, this movie does have an element of timeliness to it. It did have some minor sexual content, otherwise, it is very entertaining.

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